Advertiser Vs Publisher

Advertiser Vs Publisher

In the platform anybody can blog on various topics. It’s an easy and so much effective way to expose own self, I mean ideas and opinion also information. People can write his own ideas and thoughts on any topics. A sub domain of like gives anybody opportunities of own website. It’s free. But we should obey the terms and conditions. So this way an owner of a website can be a publisher. But how? 

What they do?
A publisher publishes blogs. In blog publisher publishes his opinion or any ideas. This is called content. It may be any image or video. Any experience can be shared here. Any review can be published. Now-a-days information plays a strong role to us. So an informative blog can help anybody and who reads the blog may refer to other to read and know the information.

In any media we watch or witness advertises. All advertisement has an aim that is to reach the targeted people or user and by selling their products or services to the user brings the achievement. More advertisement brings more promotion of any products or services. Any organization can advertise their products or services in internet. They are called advertisers.  

What they do?
Advertises are also in websites. When an interested person click on these advertises they became the targeted person. They may be a user or client of that product. So advertisers become benefited.  

Google Adwords Campaign:
Google Adwords Campaign brings the opportunity to select keyword of any product or service. These keywords are used by the advertisers as well as publishers. Google Adwords Campaign is a breeze between Publisher and Advertiser. When publishers uses keywords in their blogs and advertisers use their keywords in their advertise make a match between blogs and advertisement. So anybody who searches or make a query with a keyword then related blogs or websites are shown in the search result. Top position websites or blogs are clicked. People get information and get related advertises. Then by clicking to the advertises people or visitors become a user or client of a product.

Profit Sharing
Advertisers spends their money to publish advertise in the websites or blogs. Google plays a media to publish advertise in the websites and blogs. Publishers allows to publish advertises in the blogs or websites. This way a circle is going on to build a profit by sharing each other. Google makes the portion between publisher and Google.
Why SEO needed?
An owner of a blog or website perform SEO related tasks because he or she wants his/her blogs or websites to be shown in the first position in the search result. Without SEO it is quite impossible. So to promote website or blog SEO is most wanted task.

Organic SEO & PPC
Organic SEO brings the result better day by day and it is the proper way to promote websites. When all of the SEO related tasks are done day after day it is the organic process.

But any body or owner of a website or blog can spend money to Google to bring the result in the top or first page. Then Google gives the opportunity to show the result in the desired position. It is an expensive way. Then we say this PPC (Pay Per Click).

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